Pupil Premium Strategy

Pupil Premium Strategy

Great Wishford Primary School is allocated additional funding for pupils with a parent in the armed services (Service Premium) or whose parents have been in the armed forces in the last three years (Ever 3 service);for those who are entitled to free school meals (FSM) or have been in the last 6 years (Ever 6) for  and those in Local Authority Care (LAC) or adopted (A). This is referred to as Pupil Premium.

 Where does the money come from?

The funding comes direct from central government.

 What are schools required to spend the money on?

The money is given to schools to spend as they think best, although there is a requirement to publish online how the money is spent.

 What do we do with the money?

At Great Wishford Primary School we are committed to ensuring that all our children make the best possible progress.  We track the achievement of every child on a regular basis and do all we can to make sure that each child achieves their potential.  We also have a duty to ensure that no group of children are disadvantaged due to their gender, ethnic origin or family income or background.

 The Pupil Premium funding has allowed us to continue and extend what we already do – to monitor children’s progress and to give additional support when required.

This funding is used for the provision and implementation of individual and small group support in Engliah, Maths and social skills.  Our teaching assistants deliver various intervention programmes to ensure that all children identified as needing extra support are given the maximum opportunity to reach their potential.


Below are reports relating to the Pupil Premium Grant. They describe income and expenditure and contain information about the attainment of eligible children compared with others.